Extinction 6
Released in November 2018, Extinction 6 is an ethereal exploration of waste, greed and ultimately the failures of our society.
At times jarring and uneasy, this record is interspersed with sublime moments of clarity that give the disorientated listener just the occasional flash of optimism in the face of ecological disaster, all the while the artists voice occasionally appearing to guide the listener gently through this post-apocalyptic audio wasteland.
FitzGerald describes the process behind this album:
"Last winter, during a period of intense mental isolation/ alienation, totally consumed in the research for this album, I started to feel disconnected from humankind to the extent that I no longer felt human.
Instead, I felt as if I was a visiting body watching a society implode. This album presents a perspective genuinely lacking comprehension of the current state of the world and how we've let it get so far gone"
Cassette -HERE-
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